seem / seem to / seem to be / seem like 영어회화

너는 언어 배우는 것에 진심인 것 같다. 

You seem to learn language sincerely.
You seem to be serious about learning a language.

* seem : v. ( 불확실성 ) ~ 인 것 같다

S + seem + adj.
S + seem + to-v / S + seem + to be ~ing
S + seem like + N / N-phr.

(1) S + seem + adj.
He seems amazing.
정말 멋진 분일 것 같아.

The task seems difficult.
과제가 어려워 보인다.

The movie seems interesting.
영화가 흥미로워 보인다.

It doesn't seem right.
그것은 올바르지 않아 보여.


(2) S + seem + to-V / S + seem + to be V-ing
You definitely seemed to be liking the idea, so I set it in motion. It's gonna be great.
너도 그 아이디어를 좋아하는 것 같아 보였고, 진행시켰지, 정말 멋질거야
*  set/put (something) in motion  : (계획) 실행시키다, 추진하다, (반응) 촉발시키다.

He seems to have been tired last night.
그는 어젯밤 피곤했던 것 같다.

He seems to have been smart when he was young.
그가 어렸을 때, 똑똑했던 것 같다.

I seem to have left my key at school. (=It seems that I left my key at school.)
학교에 키를 두고 온 것 같은데요.

He seems to know the answer.
그는 답을 알고 있는 것 같다. 

It seems like a good opportunity.
좋은 기회처럼 보인다.

The situation seems to be improving. 
상황이 나아지고 있는 것 같아.

She seems to be studying very hard these days. 
그녀는 요즘 꽤 열심히 공부하는 것 같아.

The project seem to be taking longer than expected. 
예상했던 것보다 프로젝트가 오래 걸리는 것 같아 보여.



(3) S + seem like + N / N-phr.
It seems like an eternity since we last met.
우리가 만난 이후로 그것은 영원할 것만 같았다. 
* eternity 영원

(4) (강조) 다른 사람과의 견해를 구별
It seems to me that he's not interested.
내가 보기엔 그는 관심이 없는 것 같다.

(5) (불확실성 / 가능성) could, would, might 등과 함께 사용
It seems you might have misunderstood.
네가 오해한 것 같다.

(6) (비슷한 의미) (문맥) appear / (모습/특성) look / (소리) sound
She appears to be upset.
그녀는 화난 것 같다.

You look tired.
너 피곤해 보여.

That sounds like a great idea!
그것은 좋은 생각처럼 들려.



It seems that you are social and you have many good friends.
You seems to be careful about having a relationship with someone you met at a club. 
But when it comes to future plans, we seem to have some differences.


'영어 > 어휘' 카테고리의 다른 글

will / would 영어회화  (1) 2024.04.28
in / later / after 영어회화  (0) 2024.04.28
reply / answer / respond 영어회화  (0) 2024.04.14
wrong / misspoke 영어회화  (0) 2024.04.14
consider / considerate / considerable 회화 활용  (0) 2024.03.19

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